Dec 9-I-35 Blog Update--City Council to vote on resolutions for funding Cap and Stitch this Thursday
Written by Ryan Saunders
I am writing a three part series deep dive into the I-35 Capital Express Central Project. See below for the agenda items that will be voted on Thursday Dec 12. They are all related to funding for the infrastructure payments required by TXDoT by the City of Austin.
Reminder: Just before Thanksgiving City Staff presented updated plans in regard to the costs for the full cap and stitch build out which would total 26.5 acres. Discussions were that potentially City Council would reduce the sizes of the Caps to lower the investment burden required by the city.
Latest Update:
Latest Update: Per a memo sent from City Manager to Mayor and City Council:Â
Funding Commitment Deadline can be DelayedÂ
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has informed us that the deadline to secure a funding source for the roadway elements has been extended to March 2025 given the recent delay of their pump station contract award. With this development, staff will be withdrawing agenda items 49 (design funding) and 50 (commitment to fund roadway elements for caps) from your December 12th Council meeting with the intent to bring them back at one of your March Council meetings.Â
Agenda items up for vote: Some agenda items will be delayed until March 2025 per above mentioned memo*
Financial Services
11. Financial Services Approve a resolution authorizing the negotiation and execution of a State Infrastructure Bank loan agreement, for one or more loans, in an amount not to exceed $41,000,000 to fund the City’s costs related to the I-35 Cap and Stitch program and all other required documentation to effectuate the City's intent to borrow such funds. Funding: Funding for repayment of the State Infrastructure Bank loan(s) will be included in future General Obligation Debt Service Fund Operating Budgets. Related to Items #49, #50, #51, and #52.
Transportation and Public Works
49.Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of an advance funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the City to contribute up to $19,000,000, for 100% of design and other associated costs of cap and stitch structures to be integrated into the IH-35 Capital Express Central Project. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of the Transportation and Public Works Department. Related to Items #11, #50, #51, and #52. 49. District(s): District 1; District 3; District 4; District 9
50. Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of an advance funding agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the City’s commitment to fund up to $265,000,000 for roadway elements for caps and stitches to be integrated into the IH-35 Capital Express Central Project. Funding: Funding up to $40,000,000 is available from the Neighborhood Access and Equity grant awarded to the City; $22,000,000 is available from the State Infrastructure Bank financial assistance loan to the City; and up to $204,000,000 is available for the remaining funding gap, from tax exempt Certificates of Obligation to be issued on or after August 2025. Related to Items #11, #49, #51, and #52.
51.Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to increase appropriations by $41,000,000 for City costs related to the I-35 Cap and Stitch Program. Funding: Funding is available from a State Infrastructure Bank Loan. Related to Items #11, #49, #50 and #52
52. Approve an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an agreement with the U.S. City Council COUNCIL AGENDA December 12, 2024 Department of Transportation, Neighborhood Access and Equity grant program, in the amount of $105,200,000, with the required City match of $45,000,000 for a total of $150,200,000, for the Our Future 35: Reconnecting Austin to the Downtown Core Construction Grant for the Cesar Chavez to 4th Street Cap, a Texas Department of Transportation roadway project; amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Special Revenue Fund (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to accept and appropriate $105,200,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Neighborhood Access and Equity program; and amending the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20240814-007) to transfer in and appropriate $105,200,000 in grant funds for the construction needs associated with the I-35 Cap and Stitch initiative. Funding: Funding in the amount of $105,200,000 is available from the U.S. Department of Transportation. A City funding match of $45,000,000 is required and is available in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Transportation and Public Works Department Capital Budget. Related to Items #11, #49, #50, and #51. District(s): District 1; District 3; District 4; District 9
What is Cap and Stitch?
What is a stitch? A stitch is a platform spanning less than 300 feet in length over a highway, connecting local mobility networks. A stitch includes travel lanes for cars and protected paths for bicycles and pedestrians. Additional enhancements may include landscaping, shading, art and multimodal features.
What is a cap? A cap is a large deck that spans 300 feet or more in length over a highway, designed to accommodate structures or greenspace. Caps are also referred to as decks, land bridges or lids.